5-13-39 Shirokanedai, Minato Ku, Tokyo 108-0071 (MAP)
〒108-0071 東京都港区白金台5-13-39

03-5421-4186 / 03-3446-3478

After School Classes

Sensory Play

After School Programme
After School Programme
After School Programme
After School Programme

Making a mess is so much fun - indoors or out! Kspace provides multi-sensory adventures through arts in a safe and active space. Sensory Play includes painting of all sorts - with fingers, toes, bubbles, ice cubes and more! Children have the chance to print with a variety of objects, to build and collage, to collaborate and explore messy settings with friends, and to experience art materials with their hands in the ways that make sense to them - often with their whole bodies. Activities are designed to ignite the senses and spark curiosity, encouraging children to make their own discoveries about new or familiar materials.

Aspace Messy Play

Come for a Visit!

If you would like to come along and chat to the team, look around our school and trial a class, we are waiting for you! Please book an appointment in advance. There may be a single session fee applicable for the After-School trial, dependant upon the class that you select.

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