5-13-39 Shirokanedai, Minato Ku, Tokyo 108-0071 (MAP)
〒108-0071 東京都港区白金台5-13-39

03-5421-4186 / 03-3446-3478

After School Classes

Mini Golf/Krazy Golf

After School Programme

Kids all over the world love mini golf and crazy golf, and now Kspace brings its very own Mini Golf to the big city of Tokyo! We transform our colourful gym and beautiful rooftop space into all kinds of challenging golf courses to test our young golfers’ emerging skills.

Course Benefits

This is a tremendously fun game that is guaranteed to get the children feeling good and laughing, but also has huge developmental benefits too!

Children who attend our Mini Golf classes can improve:

  • Fundamental motor skill competence
  • Balance and posture
  • Hand-eye coordination
  • Listening and reacting skills
  • Health & physical fitness
  • Confidence
  • Concentration
  • Forward planning


Course Content

Our Mini Golf class starts from first principles:

  • Warm up and stretch exercises get our children moving
  • Practicing hand eye coordination exercises; Catching and tossing balls or bean bags, bouncing balloons and bowling balls through hoops or at targets.
  • A range of movement exercises similar to aerobics will help the children move their body with the fluid motion and control necessary for striking a ball successfully.
  • Our class culminates with the children practicing with our special golf equipment, demonstrating their technique for the teacher and receiving some one to one direction.

Take a look at Mini Golf newsletter - Click here!

Watch our video:

Aspace Mini Golf/Krazy Golf

Mini Golf/Krazy Golf


Come for a Visit!

If you would like to come along and chat to the team, look around our school and trial a class, we are waiting for you! Please book an appointment in advance. There may be a single session fee applicable for the After-School trial, dependant upon the class that you select.

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