5-13-39 Shirokanedai, Minato Ku, Tokyo 108-0071 (MAP)
〒108-0071 東京都港区白金台5-13-39

03-5421-4186 / 03-3446-3478

Kspace Parent & Child Programme Application Form

Please contact us (click here) to get updates and to learn about the great sessions for children aged 14 months+ that are running now!

Welcome to the Kspace Online Application Process. Membership applies to one named child only. Please complete one form per child.
All fields with an asterisk(*) are mandatory.

Kspace International School, 5-13-39 Shirokanedai, Minato Ku, Tokyo 108-0071, Japan
kspace@kspacetokyo.org     enquiries@kspacetokyo.org

New Membership Information

1) Have you ever visited Kspace before? * No   Yes
2) Has your child ever had a trial? * No   Yes , If 'Yes' to the above, please give details of programme and the year
3) Which membership are you applying for? * Regular Kspace Membership (not for use in International School programme)
Saturday Membership (only needed for child-only Saturday School)
4) How many tickets would you like us to add to your first invoice? (Blocks last one calendar month): * One single
Block of 4
Block of 6
Block of 8
Block of 12


The name of the Parent & Child class/classes you are initially enrolling for (your Membership will cover all age groups): * Saturday Family Circle Time (Ages 6 months to 2.5 years, mixed age group)
Wednesday Circle Time (Ages 6 months to 2.5 years)

Family Information

Mother's Name (first/family): *
Father’s Name (first/family): *
Child’s Name (first/family): *
Child’s Nationality: *
Child’s Gender *
Child’s Date of birth (dd/M/yyyy) for example 25/Oct/2019*
Primary Parent’s Phone no: *
Email Address * (Please provide an email address that we can send attachments/information to e.g. Gmail, Hotmail etc., not a phone provider)
Home Address *
Expected Start Date (dd/mm/yyyy) *
Child's English level *
Native   Fluent   Conversational   Beginner   None
Do you have an English speaker in the home? *
Yes   No
Authorisation Area

This is an online form for Kspace Parent & Child Membership and Classes. Parents will be asked to read general school policies and sign them separately for other required services or programmes, as booked.

Submission of this form means that you agree to school policies and all points below.
The data that you submit online will be treated and stored with absolute respect and confidentiality. In the case that an application is not approved, all data will be removed within 24 hrs.
Policies & Parent/Guardian Online Signature

I understand that children enrolled in Kspace programmes are featured in community newsletters, video recordings, and occasionally media is also used in marketing material. I give my permission for this.

- Each purchased block of tickets lasts one calendar month. If a parent begins mid-month they can buy singles for the remainder of the current month, plus one block for the next month in advance.
- After the calendar month that you buy the blocks for has elapsed you cannot use any of your unused tickets, have them in lieu of other services, or get a refund.
-If you book a class and cannot attend for sickness etc, you must please call Kspace in advance to cancel.
- Make-up classes are offered at the discretion of the School. If there is time left within the month of your block, and if there are spaces in the class, the School will offer make-ups. Any make-ups will be lost once the new month begins.
- Some special classes may require an addition to the regular session ticket: Highlights and parties e.g. special classes that are advertised for Christmas, Easter, Valentine's etc. These classes have no make-up option if booked and unattended.

I am the parent/guardian and all information above is correct.

Type Name in full (first/ middle/family name) *: *
Date *:
Kspace International School, 5-13-39 Shirokanedai,
Minato Ku, Tokyo 108-0071, Japan
kspace@kspacetokyo.org     enquiries@kspacetokyo.org
Please enter the code given

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